e-Bay connector Third Party Authorization Error

e-Bay connector Third Party Authorization Error

This is a configuration error. This comes either when you’re using the App credentials (client-id and client-secret) of “SANDBOX” environment, (for e.g. – App ID (Client ID):- ABCDE-XXXXX-SBX-XXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXX) Here, please note that the published e-bay connector would work with “Production” environment credentials only.

If you want to test the connector capabilities and configuration with Sandbox environment, please reach out to us at [email protected] and we will provide you the e-Bay custom connector Solution Package that we work with your sandbox environment.

To Troubleshoot this, please check the configuration provided below:

In Ebay developer portal please check, the “Your auth accepted URL” under user access tokens and it should be set to “https://global.consent.azure-apim.net/redirect” and must not be empty.

To set this property follow below steps:

1. In developer.ebay.com, go to “Application Keysets” and click on “User Tokens” link in Production section as highlighted below in yellow.


2. In this page scroll down to the section “Get a Token from eBay via Your Application”. You should have added a “Add eBay Redirect URL”,

3. Try again with Production client ID and client secret and it should work.

Also, if still, that doesn’t work, we are happy to have a meeting to do this troubleshooting for you. Please reach out to us at [email protected]

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