

To develop an Automated Portal that gives a patient access to interaction with his / her physician(s). It also helps the patient to go about their medical procedures with much ease by using this automated portal at a minimal cost, And the same for the doctors, they can check their appointments and schedule them accordingly their availability.
Incubator Design

Technologies and Standards

Dot net framework version 2.0 for development SQL Server 2005 for database Web services for integrations
Basic info
To develop an Automated Portal that gives a patient access to interaction with his / her physician(s). It also helps the patient to go about their medical procedures with much ease by using this automated portal at a minimal cost, And the same for the doctors, they can check their appointments and schedule them accordingly their availability. The scope of the proposed system included
That allows a patient to book an appointment with a physician and the same for the doctors to manage his appointment requests.
Problem Description Management:
A sub-system that is accurate enough to decipher the patient’s current health condition.
Functionality of the online Automated Mediportal System
The Practice provides a user name and password to the patient; which is then used to enter his/her details and schedule an appointment with the physician/s. The patient can also chat with his/her physician and avoid waiting time and also avail instant medical opinion via this system. He/she has access to all charting information as this system is integrated seamlessly with another of binary’s healthcare Solutions – a web based electronic medical records system using an Message template management system. Refills can directly be dispensed to the patient’s pharmacy with out having to visit the doctor, and access to lab reports is possible in the shortest time frame with not having to wait. Also in cases of emergencies valuable life saving information is made available to the physician almost on the fly.

Project screenshots

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